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Showing posts from September, 2023

Doolittle Raid

It is one of the decisive and most dramatic moments in the history of World War II, At that moment, the Americans were able to strike the Japanese on their own soil... that it Doolittle Raid. The most famous photo of the Doolittle Raid, US B-25 bombers taking off from the aircraft carrier. Public Domain. In this raid, eighty men, including pilots, navigators and others, flew B-25 Mitchell bombers, on a mission to change the course of World War II. Facts about the Doolittle Raid: The Doolittle Raid of April 18, 1942 was the first U.S. air raid to strike the Japanese home islands during WWII. The Doolittle Raid was a quick response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which occurred on December 7, 1941. Meaning that the Americans decided to respond less than four months after the Japanese attacked them. The main difference here is that the Americans planned and attacked cities in the Japanese home islands, not the Japanese fleet. The main problem for the Doolittle raid was "

Yom Kippur War

On October 6, 1973, Israel found itself under attack from Egypt and Syria. Egyptian soldiers raise their country's flag over one of the forts of the Bar Lev Line . The war will end strangely. On the Egyptian front, the Egyptian army achieved a victory. But on the Syrian front, the situation was just as bad for Damascus. Why did the Yom Kippur war break out?: The October War in Egypt and Syria, which is called the Yom Kippur War in Israel, was a natural result of the Six-Day War 1967. Israel occupied the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and the Syrian Golan Heights. Although the Egyptian president at the time, Anwar Sadat, tried to reach a peaceful solution, the Americans considered that Israel’s overwhelming military superiority would make the situation better with the continued Israeli occupation of Arab lands. Therefore, Sadat decided to wage war despite the Israeli military superiority..and succeeded in allying himself with Hafez al-Assad, the Syrian president at the time. The b